Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Mughal Samrajya

Trust me to always do the reverse, in this case reading a series in reverse. I saw the book "Empire of Moghul- Brothers at war", at a book store and liked the gist given at the cover. The hardback book about the least talked about Moghul Humayun piqued my interest from the beginning and  Alex Rutherford had spun a historical yarn which was somehow more humanistic and believable.

And when i recently visited Humayun's tomb i felt something like what people call "deja Vu". 

Then i had to read the prequel, but woe betide, i searched and searched and had lost hope. And then flipkart came to my rescue. The first book in the series "Raiders from the North" is a novel full of information and sorrow and triumph.

Now, eagerly awaiting the next book, hope it will be refreshing tale of Akbar - The Great.